Using the 6 stage process as follows:
1. Contextualisation
This involves defining the nature and scope of the local risk climate and agreeing how the risk management process will be undertaken.
2. Identify hazards & threats
- Industrial accidents
- Transport accidents
- Severe weather
- Structural hazards
- Human health
- Animal health
- Plant disease
- Public protest
- Industrial action
- Industrial technical failure
3. Risk analysis
Assessing the likelihood of hazards occurring within the next five years, which is the timescale adopted nationally and regionally. This is done by considering the description of an outcome of an incident before assessing how likely an occurrence would be within this timescale. Each Individual Risk Assessment is allocated to a Lead Assessor within the LRF for ownership purposes, but are developed through research and consultation.
Every agency has the responsibility to constantly review the CRR, and any factors which may change the Individual Risk Assessment. If any person or organisation becomes aware of any information affecting an Individual Risk Assessment, they must inform the Lead Assessor. The Lead Assessor will review and if necessary update the Individual Risk Assessment.
4. Risk evaluation
Once the individual risk assessments have been completed and validated, consideration must be given to histroical data, national and regional risk assessments, statistical information, experience, enquiry reports and lessons learnt.
Risks are then evaluated, scored and consolidated within the Risk Assessment Framework. Sensitive information is excluded from the Framework.
5. Risk treatment
The CRR serves as a means for ensuring a commonly agreed starting point for Responders in their approach to emergency planning. The LRF will evaluate and prioritise risk reduction measures according to the size of the risk and any gaps in the capability required for response.
Within this LRF, details of on-going work, time-scales and owners for any work outlined are contained within the Risk Priority and Action Table which is Restricted.
6. Monitoring & reviewing
All risks should be reviewed regularly, and monitored continuously. Where information suggests a potential change, this will be incorporated into a revised Risk Assessment. A formal review of all the Risks takes place every four years although all risk are validated on an annual basis.