The Community Risk Register (CRR)

Since the publication of the National Risk Register in 2023, the Local Resilience Forum has been working on a new 2024 Community Risk Register. We have considered the hazards that were assessed nationally and also hazards that are present in our local area and produced a risk score for each. Whilst emergencies are rare, this risk register will be used to inform future emergency preparedness work across the LRF area.  Community groups, businesses and other interested parties can use the new register to better prepare for future emergencies that may impact upon them.

This register will be regularly reviewed, and the latest version will be held on this LRF website. Please also visit the National Risk Register if you want more information on any of the risks detailed in the community risk register.


Additional information

The purpose of the CRR to collate a list of all of the assessed risks within a local resilience area so that the LRF partners have an understanding of what our communties are likely to face so that we can prepare, train for and exercise contingency plans. It allows the LRF to focus multi agency work on a rational basis of priority and need.

The CRR assists with identifying emerging issues and those where the risk or threat is increasing or decreasing. It can also assist in identifying gaps in capability, and inform the planning process in respect of the scale of response that may be required.

It is accepted that the CRR does not cover all eventualities. However, there is no need to assess every single risk, particularly those with a very low likelihood of occurring. Neither is there a requirement to individually assess all risks on a neighbourhood by neighbourhood basis. Many risks are assessed on their impact across the entire LRF area and all risks assessed constitute a Major Incident or emergency.

The completion of the CRR is a statutory duty for all Category 1 Responders and we are legally required to co-operate in maintaining this Register.

Watch this short video that explains what a CRR is


There are approximately 70 hazard related risks that face the DCIOS LRF area, more detail around all our risks can be found in the Community Risk Register (CRR). Hazard risks cover events such as severe weather, accidents and those incidents that are generally deemed as not being malicious.

Threat risks include terrorist acts. Malicious threats are themselves collected into themes - for more information on these please see the National Risk Register.

The LRF will assess these risks for the local area and then look to plan a response to them as it would for any of the hazard risks.


Using the 6 stage process as follows:

1. Contextualisation

This involves defining the nature and scope of the local risk climate and agreeing how the risk management process will be undertaken.


2. Identify hazards & threats

  • Industrial accidents
  • Transport accidents
  • Severe weather
  • Structural hazards
  • Human health
  • Animal health
  • Plant disease
  • Public protest
  • Industrial action
  • Industrial technical failure


3. Risk analysis

Assessing the likelihood of hazards occurring within the next five years, which is the timescale adopted nationally and regionally. This is done by considering the description of an outcome of an incident before assessing how likely an occurrence would be within this timescale. Each Individual Risk Assessment is allocated to a Lead Assessor within the LRF for ownership purposes, but are developed through research and consultation.

Every agency has the responsibility to constantly review the CRR, and any factors which may change the Individual Risk Assessment. If any person or organisation becomes aware of any information affecting an Individual Risk Assessment, they must inform the Lead Assessor. The Lead Assessor will review and if necessary update the Individual Risk Assessment.


4. Risk evaluation

Once the individual risk assessments have been completed and validated, consideration must be given to histroical data, national and regional risk assessments, statistical information, experience, enquiry reports and lessons learnt.

Risks are then evaluated, scored and consolidated within the Risk Assessment Framework. Sensitive information is excluded from the Framework.


5. Risk treatment

The CRR serves as a means for ensuring a commonly agreed starting point for Responders in their approach to emergency planning. The LRF will evaluate and prioritise risk reduction measures according to the size of the risk and any gaps in the capability required for response.

Within this LRF, details of on-going work, time-scales and owners for any work outlined are contained within the Risk Priority and Action Table which is Restricted.


6. Monitoring & reviewing

All risks should be reviewed regularly, and monitored continuously. Where information suggests a potential change, this will be incorporated into a revised Risk Assessment. A formal review of all the Risks takes place every four years although all risk are validated on an annual basis.

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